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Talking with Teenagers about healthy relationships and sexual assault

Updated: Apr 11, 2022

Last week our Clinical Lead and Managing Director, Rebecca Fox visited her secondary school for the first time in over 20 years. The day was full of nostalgia for Rebecca, but most importantly she was there to talk with the 6th form about a subject close to her heart - healthy relationships and the impact of sexual assault.

The Lightbulb Project is a brand new, unique offering which has been developed by our team to provide workshops and training around healthy relationships and the impact of trauma.

Rebecca was asked to return to her secondary school in Hertford, Hertfordshire to provide a workshop to enhance the schools PSHCEE syllabus. The workshop was 1.5 hours and covered how to identify the difference between healthy and unhealthy relationships, consent and the impact of sexual assault.

What the teenagers thought about the workshop

Overall the feedback was that the workshop was Very Good which is high praise from 16-18 year olds whose focus right now is on their A-level exams!

We asked them what they would take away from the session and the comments blew us away:

"NO means NO" (16 year old boy) "Don't be afraid to say No" (17 year old female)

"Behaviours that should not be tolerated in relationships, how to recognise consent and the process of reporting sexual assault" (17 year old female)

"I did not know there was support for perpetrators" (17 year old male) - this was an important point as often the discussion around assault and consent focus's on the victim, which was covered at length in the workshop. We also felt it would be helpful to talk about what happens when someone is accused of sexual assault so we talked with the Herts Sexual Offences Investigation Team (SOIT) to make sure our info was up to date and provided the young people with support details not only for victims, but for perpetrators as well and encouraged anyone who felt that they may have acted inappropriately to seek support. Why is this important? Well if someone is able to recognise their unhealthy, toxic, harmful behaviour and receive support to change their thoughts and behaviour then not only do we protect potential victims, we also help them to live a happy, positive life.

What the school had to say

"Rebecca came to deliver a workshop on all matters related to healthy relationships and sexual assault to our Year 12 and Year 13 pupils. The presentation was highly informative and our students benefited greatly from Rebecca's personable approach. It was wonderful to listen to an experienced professional speak with such passion, and the additional anecdotes really made the content very relatable to our students. There was an excellent balance of tasks and activities throughout the session, ensuring that the main information was covered with sensitivity and clarity. Our students were aware of the key aspects surrounding sexual assault and safeguarding, but hearing certain details really made them take note and listen. Having students hear such information just as they leave for university and starting to experience more of an adult lifestyle also ensured that they were aware of spotting signs of different risks. Overall, it was a fantastic session and one that we will certainly look to book again with future students, as well as branching out to help train members of staff and parents too."

How to book a workshop

Our lightbulb project can provide bespoke workshops and presentations on a variety of subjects relating to healthy relationships, sexual, domestic and relational trauma and the impact it has on victims, their families, groups and society as a whole.

The workshop delivered to the school was 1.5 hours long, we are also able to provide half day or full day workshops.

To enquire about booking Lightbulb Project workshop for your organisation and for training contact to discuss with Rebecca Fox.

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