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Peer Support

Studies into the impact of peer-support indicate  “It improves quality of life, provides experiential knowledge, develops supportive, trusting and therapeutic relationships, provides emotional support and information."
(NHS England evidence review)

Trauma Recovery's Peer Support service began in response to feedback from client's, parents of client's and partner organisations. Since 2020 the service has been offered adhoc offering small groups in response to current need and at the request of partner agencies. These smaller projects have shown a clear need for the service and during 2024 the service is being developed further to ensure that we offer a robust service that grows alongside the therapeutic services to enable them to compliment one another. 

Examples of Peer Support offered by Trauma Recovery

Parent's Group

An online group for parents of children and young people who had experience sexual violence. ​


Sessions focused on:

  • The impact of sexual trauma on the children and young people

  • How the experience may impact the child or young person's behaviour and wellbeing

  • How the parent's could support their child or young person

  • Encouraging the parents to consider the impact on themself and their own needs

Women's Group

An online group for women who had experienced sexual violence. 


Sessions focused on:

  • Understanding the short and longer term impact of their experiences

  • Growing their sense of self

  • Growing their confidence

  • Understanding patterns of behaviour

  • Understanding how to break unhealthy cycles

  • Understanding their feelings of self blame and shame and reframing these to understand that what happened was not their fault

  • The future

Creative Women's Group

Fortnightly in person sessions within a partner organisation for women who had experienced domestic violence and abuse.


Sessions focused on:

  • Creating safety

  • Creativity

  • Self care

  • Growing a sense of self worth

  • Creating bonds

  • A sense of achievement

Our values

Honesty, openness, fairness, accountability, safety, trust, respect of oneself and of others, ownership, congruence, unconditional positive regard, empathy and giving back.

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